Ready-to-use diagnostics
Diagnostics to achieve business excellence have
unique functions
Unique features for a real assessment of practices that conventional online questionnaires do not offer

Pyramid structure and consolidated scores
Quantified consolidated results according to a pyramid structure: Questions > Subcategories > Categories > Total.
Each score can be weighted by question, subcategory or category.

Total interactivity with the participant
TThe participant can respond in several rounds at different times.
You can 'invalidate' a participant's questionnaire so that they can modify their answers.
You can modify a participant's answers or leave comments in their questionnaire.

Expert comparison
An expert consultant makes the diagnosis of your organization and informs the same questionnaire (option).
You can compare all your results to his own and identify the gaps.
The expert can interact with the participants, put comments and allow the modification of their answers.

Progress monitoring
Comparative visualisation of evaluations carried out at several points in time.
Enables you to see the progress made in the implementation of good practices.

Private benchmark
You can compare the assessments you have conducted with each organisation (or sub-party), regardless of when they were conducted. This is your private benchmark.
With a questionnaire from the Wevalgo ready-to-use catalog, you also have a 'public' benchmark with all the organisations that have used this questionnaire.

Strict control of participants
In contrast to the survey, it can be imposed that only those invited respond.
Control of participants by their email in closed invitation.
It is also possible to authorise anyone who receives the login link (open invitation)

Action progress drivers
Each issue can be associated with an "Actionable Progress Lever".
It makes it possible to classify the identified areas of progress by actionable driver and simplify the definition of the improvement plan.

Specific drivers
Some models integrate specific analysis axes allowing to classify the identified areas of progress by relevant driver in the context of the diagnosis.
Lean manufacturing, Six sigma, Preventive maintenance / repair...

Customizable level scale
A colour code allows to visually identify the level of excellence/maturity of practices.
These levels are configurable to adapt to the questionnaire and the context of the organisation.
Questionnaire formats tailored to specific evaluations
Multiple evaluations
Standard questionnaires are completed once per participant, for all participants, on a single 'subject'.
With the 'multiple' questionnaire, each participant answers several times, each time on a different 'subject'.
He/She answers on as many subjects as he identifies, according to the instructions given by the creator of the questionnaire.
For example, the financial controller of each entity of an organisation may be asked to list the investment projects of his or her entity, and to assess the project management practices of each of them.
This collects two valuable pieces of information: the list of investments throughout the organisation, and the project management assessment.
Maturity Matrix
Each practice or group of practices is described in a different way depending on its level of maturity in answering the questions.
The number and name of the levels is customisable.
The results are presented in a highly visual matrix, combining the description of practices by level and the rating.

360° Questionnaires
In this case, it is not practices that are evaluated but individuals within the organisation.
For example, some skills such as: Leadership, team management, communication...
Each participant evaluates himself/herself and is evaluated by others of his/her choice (manager, peers, collaborators).
Each participant evaluates himself/herself and is evaluated by others of his/her choice (manager, peers, collaborators)There is a double result report: each participant has his or her own evaluations, and the questionnaire organiser has those of all participants.
Multidimensional or distribution assessments
For some practices, there is no better way to do it; we then want to identify the distribution between the different ways.
In this case, for each question, a fixed number of points is distributed over the answer choices, each belonging to a pre-defined way or 'dimension'.
For example, several leadership styles (Collaborative, Consensual, Direct...) or types of corporate communication (formal, informal, top down...) can be assessed.

Modular questionnaires
Each questionnaire can be composed of one or more different modules; a module being in itself a questionnaire.
This makes it possible to reuse groups of standard or frequently asked questions in several questionnaires.
This also makes it possible to combine in a single questionnaire parts of different types: Maturity, Multidimensional, Standard.
And other more common functions
Analysis by dimension of organisation (function, role, hierarchical level, geographical location...)
Conditional questions
Multilingual templates allowing each participant to choose his or her version
Weighting of scores by question, sub-category or category
Choice of several levels of anonymity
Visible real-time progress of the status of responses

the online diagnostics available
to achieve Excellence in your business.