Field services
Length: 90 - 150 mn
130 questions
Field Services comprehensive best practices

Do you have world class practices for equipment Field Services and Engineers?

Discover Field Service best practices on following areas

  • Installation offers
  • Service Offers
  • Simple installations
  • System & Complex Installation
  • Performance Management
  • Inventory management
  • Customer Services
  • Planning and resources

Get a Comprehensive assessment of your equipment Field Services (Installation, repair, remote service...) practices for the Field Engineers as well as for the corporate, branch or office employees.

The best practices are in a structured questionnaire enabling evaluations of your practices compared to our benchmark

The best practices are applicable to:

  • Functional scope : 
    • Installation of the equipment at customer premises
    • Online or remote services (issue resolution and general enquiries)
    • Equipment maintenance and repair at customer premises
    • Spare parts change (sale or on warranty)
    • If your equipment is a vending machine following services are in scope:
      • Equipment replenishment
      • Inventory management
  • Company type: any company installing and /or servicing technical equipment or vending machines at customer premises; configuration parameters at the beginning of the questionnaire allow to tailor it to specific company:
    • Replenishment of the equipment (vending machine) or not
    • Machines or equipment in a "Stand alone" mode (i.e. not a full system of interconnected equipment)
    • Multiple equipment or machines with some interconnections or as a full system (i.e. not only several standalone machines or equipment)
    • Single or multiple geographies (e.g. your organisation covers several geographies to serve with distance long enough to require some Field Services staff to be locally based in several of these geographies)
    • Delivery and management of spare parts for its clients
  • Industry type: all companies performing Field services or interventions, including product replenishment, of equipment installed on customer sites, typically vending machines

Who is this for

  • Field Service Manager, Field Engineer manager, Field Installation Manager or Field Operations Manager and business unit Manager, Internal consultants (e.g. continuous improvement team) or external consultant
  • CEO or COO, Company senior manager wishing to evaluate Field Services.
Get a comprehensive knowledge Field installation and services best practices 
Get a detailed quantitative and qualitative assessment of your Field installation and services compared to world Best Practices
Compare your results with best practices
Do yourself the evaluation and / or invite participants to do it
Perform the assessment in 90 to 150 minutes through 130 specific questions
Get an overview and a detailed analysis with a pyramid consolidation (question, subcategory, category, total)
Compare the results of each participant
Compare the performance by zone or level of your organization (country, site, function, hierarchical level)
Choose if participants are anonymous
Languages available to each participant: English, french 
Choose and validate the evaluation options

Unit price (excl. VAT):

What exactly are you buying?
Detailed description
How to use


125 questions organised in 8 categories and 30 areas, so you can both have a precise analysis and a consolidated picture

Two uses are possible:

  • learn Field Services management best practices
  • assess your Field Services management practices against world performers thanks to the online questionnaire functionality

Wevalgo Field Services Comprehensive best practices framework

Field Services Comprehensive Dive Model

Summary description

There are about 125 Field Installation and Services best practices structured in the following 8 categories and 30 areas.

Installation offers:
  • Customer requirements: how are requirements recorded and how is compliance or non-compliance handled? Is the installation location information specified? How are regulatory aspects managed?
  • Offer management: What is the bidding process and the associated roles and responsibilities from receipt of the bid to response?
  • Offer costing and pricing: how are bid prices calculated? Is a standard method used? Are the rules clear and transparent? 

Service Offers
  • Offerings: what is the service strategy for the installation, including spare parts and warranty?  Are the services that can be offered and the pricing rules clearly defined?
  • Offer management: what is the process for proposing and validating customer offers? Is the impact on resources (workload, skills) taken into account? In the case of vending machines, are the supply data clear?

Simple installations (applies to stand alone machines)
  • Installation process: Is the process clearly defined, with clear roles and responsibilities? Are appropriate start-up and follow-up meetings in place?
  • Team: Is there a clear person in charge of the installation? Are resources identified at the right time?
  • Templates and tools: What are the standard templates or tools to facilitate facility management and are they actually used?

System & Complex Installation (for multiple machines, complete line installations or complex systems)
  • Project team:  Is a project team formally defined by including the right resources? Is the level of competence and training in project management satisfactory?
  • Project management: how are project progress meetings managed and how is project planning defined and used?
  • Project process and review: Is the installation process clearly defined by detailing the different phases and deliverables? Are the roles and responsibilities of each function clear and appropriate? What are the project reviews?
  • Installation management: is the process clearly defined, with clear roles and responsibilities? Are appropriate start-up and follow-up meetings in place? Is a dashboard and detailed planning used?
  • Template and tools: what are the standard templates or tools to facilitate installation management and are they actually used?
  • Handovers: what mechanism is used to manage the transitions between the different phases (commercial, installation, warranty...) throughout the process, from contact with the customer to commissioning?

Performance Management
  • General management:are strategic objectives and action plans defined and implemented operationally? Are steering meetings effective?
  • Offers, Services and Installation indicators: what are the existing indicators and how are they managed for each of its domains?
  • Service data capture and analysis: what data is collected from customers or field service operations and how is it analyzed to improve the performance of interventions?
  • Financial management:are costs and margins regularly monitored for each type of service and by business? What mechanism is in place to ensure that price quotations and invoices are consistent, that all work is properly invoiced and paid for?

Inventory management
  • Spare parts inventory: is there a clear stock management policy for each category of parts? Are management parameters and stock levels known, up-to-date and reviewed? Is the choice of stock location the result of a thorough analysis?
  • Replenished goods (for vending machine business): is there a clear inventory management policy for each category of goods? Are management parameters and stock levels known, up-to-date and reviewed? Is the choice of stock location the result of a thorough analysis?

Customer Services
  • Issue resolution process: Are the process, roles and end-to-end responsibilities clearly defined?
  • Remote issue resolution: how is remote resolution organized (levels 1, 2...) and does it have online tools and customer history tracking? How do we ensure the best pre-diagnosis? Are the priority and arbitration rules clear?
  • Field Services process and tools: are standard intervention processes defined? Is equipment documentation and failure history (or client request) available to the field engineer, how and at what level of detail?
  • Field services operations: Are the right field engineers sent to the right place? Do they have the right tools, information, parts or product stocks? How is the intervention prepared and what reports are returned by the field engineer?
  • Spare parts and warranty management: is the parts replacement process clearly defined? Is the information necessary for warranty and selection of the right parts collected and recorded during installation?

Example of usage for evaluation

Get a Comprehensive assessment of your field equipment installation and services to enable you and your team to:

  • identify the key improvement drivers to better install techhical equipment or vending machines and provide services at customer premises or remotely
  • compare your practices with world Field Services best practices
  • develop improvement action plan based on actionable drivers thanks to our specific Wevalgo organisational model

Specific analyses when used for evaluation

Analysis by type of activity

On top of the pyramidal structure that provides an analysis by category and areas as described above, all the questions are also "assigned" to a type of activity. That allows to have an additional analysis of the performance for each of the following types of activity:
  • Installation management and related activities
  • Services management and related activities
  • Replenishment management and related activities (depending on the initial condition about the type of equipment you install and service)
  • Spare parts management and related activities
  • General / other activities

Wevalgo organisation model

Wevalgo organisational modelThe evaluation defines the actionable drivers for the identified improvements enabling concret action plan definition:

  • Leadership & People: leadership capabilities, competences, social climate and values
  • Strategy & assets: organisation strategy, technology, tangible and intangible assets
  • Organisation: organisational structure, roles and responsibilities
  • Steering: decision making, actions and performance indicators management
  • Process: process, operating procedures and rules definition
  • Tools: decision making tools, process support tools, software applications
  • Implementation: effective implementation of strategy, organisation, steering, processes and tools

Key steps

The best practices are accessible directly after purchase. In case of usage to evaluate the practices the following steps apply

  1. The service manager* can directly carry out an evaluation by answering the questionnaire (optional); steps 2 to 4 are optional depending on whether he/she wishes to invite other participants to carry out the evaluation
    • If he/she wishes to invite other participants to conduct the evaluation, he/she proceeds to steps 2 to 5
    • Otherwise he/she goes directly to step 5 of viewing the results
    • He/she can still do his evaluation after the participants if he did not do it at the beginning
  2. Customisation of the service to the organisation by the service manager*
    • Service name, title and introduction for the participants invited
    • Selection of participants to the service
    • Definition of dimension to enable analysis by organisation dimension (optional)
    • Selection of anonymity option
  3. Sending of an invitation link to the selected participants
  4. Evaluations performed by selected participants, on the Wevalgo web platform
    • Participants connect to Wevalgo web site thanks to the link sent by the service manager
    • Participants answer on-line
    • The service manager can follow up the answers progress status
  5. Results available at the end of evaluations on the Wevalgo website

* The service manager is the person who purchased the service. 

Recommended participants for an evaluation

For the evaluation we recommend the following participants: 

  • Field service Manager
  • Field installation Manager or Field Operations Manager
  • A selection of Field services engineer covering several activity types such as installation, maintenance, spare parts replacement
  • A selection of Field services staff covering the remote issue resolution, planning, logistics and invoicing process
  • In case of several geographical sites, a selection of each site managers, enabling to compare the practices between the different sites.

Get instant and full access to reports as soon as evaluations are completed.

Gain multi-level analysis on several axis that can be explored in varied depths and dimensions through a user friendly results menu. A few samples of the results report are shown below

Heat map
Visualise the performance and their drivers at a glance across all categories and sub-categories
Results by organisational dimension
Compare performance across your own, relevant and entirely customisable organisational dimensions. For example by geographical locations, departments, hierarchical levels or any other you see fit. Zoom in to breakdowns by category, subcategory and/or question
Results by evaluator and category
You can see detailed results to better understand the causes of your organisation performance
Wevalgo excellence model Results
Get valuable insight into areas and axes of progress thanks to our embedded Wevalgo model. Other analytical models may be incorporated, see key concepts for more information)

We have expert consultants on hand to build their own evaluations, assist you and interpret your results. Select the Expert Review option on the purchase menu.